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Engines, Motors and More! – A Demolition Derby Resource Guide

Many people are familiar with demolition derbies through television and the movies. When they think of demolition derbies, they picture beat-up old cars crashing into one another. Well, there is an interesting history behind the demolition derby. In addition, there are rules that accompany these exciting events. The following takes a closer look at demolition derbies.


Demolition derbies came into being for people who enjoy seeing cars crash into one another until there is just one left running. Generally, a demolition derby takes place in a ring or arena covered in dirt or mud. The first official demolition derbies began back in the late 1950s. Larry Mendelsohn, a stock car racer, is said to have created the first demolition derby. The popularity of Demolition derbies grew during the 1960s and 1970s as they became regular events at county fairs. Most demolition derbies have cash prizes and are open to adults with cars that meet all of the rules and guidelines. The combination of roaring engines, smashing metal, and cheering fans all make demolition derbies an unforgettable experience for an audience.


There are a few common features of vehicles found in demolition derbies. First, they are later model cars with heavy frames. The drivers pay very little for these cars and sometimes they are found in junkyards. Also, many demolition derby cars are larger in size than the average car. Station wagons and four door sedans are two examples of demolition derby cars. Not surprisingly, drivers look for vehicles that can take solid hits from other cars in the competition. Many people participate in demolition derbies because they like to make modifications to the cars they buy for the event. Removing bumpers, installing a cage around the driver area, and removal of backseats are all examples of modifications. Also, many entrants like to paint their cars in wild colors or give them names that draw the attention of the audience. All modifications and the car itself must comply with the safety rules of any demolition derby. A person who is a regular participant in demolition derbies may become known by a certain name painted on his or her car. This is one way for a driver to garner a following of loyal fans!


A new comer who sits down and watches a demolition derby may think that the competition has no rules However, a demolition derby must have rules to protect the safety of the participants. Also, all cars and drivers have to abide by the rules in order for the event to be fair. The rules of demolition derbies vary from county fair to county fair, but there are some examples of general rules. For instance, drivers must stay in their cars during the competition. This rule helps to protect the safety of all the drivers. Also, officials must be able to check the engine o+f a car in the competition. Consequently, drivers aren’t allowed to weld the hood of a car shut. In addition, though demolition derbies are open to most everyone, a person must have a valid driver’s license to participate in the competition. Alcohol is also prohibited in these competitions in yet another attempt to keep all participants safe. People who plan to participate in a demolition derby must read all of the rules beforehand or risk being disqualified before they even start.

Rollover Competitions

A rollover competition is similar in nature to a demolition derby. An entrant drives his or her car up a small ramp in an attempt to get the car to rollover several times. Of course, these competitions have safety rules as do demolition derbies. For instance, the doors of rollover cars must be welded shut and glass removed from the windows, etc. Most of the modifications are directly related to keeping a driver safe. The car that rolls over the most times is the winner of the competition. Exciting stunts and cash prizes are two features that draw people to participate in rollover competitions.

Written by: Milan Alcot

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